Merli Tamtik

Dr. Merli Tamtik
Associate Professor
Educational Administration, Foundations & Psychology (EAF&P)
Faculty of Education, University of Manitoba

September, 2018. Happy New Academic Year! September greeted us with an exciting news - a new book, titled "Comparing Post-Socialist Transformations" by Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, edited by Maia Chankseliani and Iveta Silova, is out. We are happy to report that a book chapter featuring country comparisons between Estonia and Kazakhstan by Emma Sabzalieva (University of Toronto/OISE) and myself is included in this volume. The writing process with Emma was really enjoyable as we both got excited by discovering interesting similarities and differences between these countries. It is not very common to find a country comparison of Estonia and Kazakhstan, yet these countries, we discovered, are both striving to become the new global powerhouses and using their higher education system to do it. You can read more about the chapter in Emma's blog HERE. 

comparing post socialist transformations book cover